NetCare BV is the company of Gerard Kanters . A consultant with extensive experience in various industries. With a business economics background and a lot of experience in ICT strategy, architecture and management, I can quickly identify the problems of sectors and individual companies and come up with solutions.
Artificial Intelligence is a technology that has and will have a major impact on our society and we all have a moral obligation to use it properly. But certainly also to take advantage of the opportunities it offers.
I have been able to run an AI company for 7 years and I know the technology intimately. I sold that company and I now want to use my knowledge for other companies to help them become faster, more agile and efficient.
Through the site I write articles about the technology as inspiration and to help with the image surrounding AI. Together with my AI friends, I also (re)write a lot of code in my spare time. Not only is that fun to do, but it also keeps your feet in the mud.